Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Grey and Rainy..

It seems like every time I want to start holding myself accountable on my blog, I get distracted and don't do it as often as I'd like. I'm already 3 weeks behind, and I really want to be able to see where I came from at the end of this marathon training. It's always hard for me to remember how far I've come, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

As far as life is concerned, things have been crazy in those 3 weeks. First, I celebrated my 33rd birthday this past weekend (yay!) which kept me from updating, and actually getting in a good run. I also just went to my LAST grad class of my PhD program. I still have my dissertation to go, so I'm far from done, but this is a milestone. Its the type of milestone I was looking for in order to sign up and commit to training for a marathon in the first place :) No more hour long commutes each way to grad classes after long days at work! I'm totally stoked about this.

So all of this "personal" stuff that has gotten in the way (not to mention just crazy work hours last week), I've been doing my best to get moving.

Here's the recap of the last 3 weeks.

Tuesday, April 12th: 1.57 miles at the local park! 21:44 ~ pace = 13:49 min/mi
This particular run was okay. I ran with a friend who is considering a fall marathon and is essentially doing the same training plan that I am. She was hurting after a half marathon the prior Sunday (her first!) and so we kept it quite slow. It was just good to get outside and move something!

Thursday, April 14th: Road Runner Sports Adventure run! I have friends that love these things, but I just couldn't get into it. I couldn't open the map, I am not familiar with the surrounding area, and I just didn't know where to go. I was hoping for much more of a run, but I failed miserably at that. I might give them another shot, maybe, but overall I wasn't completely impressed.

Tuesday, April 19th: 1.50 mile hood run! 18:17 ~ pace = 12:11 min/mi
This particular run felt fantastic. It reminded me what I am capable of. I doubt myself and my ability to have any sort of speed or consistency, but this run felt great. It helped that the first half of the run was slightly downhill and I was able to keep a good pace as I turned around. I want to make all my runs more consistently at this pace rather than where I regularly am right now.

Wednesday, April 20th: 3.00 miles at the local park! 42:28 ~ pace = 14:09
This run was tough. I pushed hard for the first mile and held about a 12:35 pace. I was running with a speedy friend from BGR! and she kept me moving. It felt great, until my brain told me I was going to fast. Plus it was the furthest I had run in a LONG time. I know, 3 miles. I'll be laughing at that distance in a month or so, but this particular run was tough. I ended up walking quit a bit of the last mile and a half when my friend split off to do even more miles.

Sunday, April 24th: 3.01 miles! 40:23 ~ pace = 13:26 min/mi
I went back to an old favorite park! This run felt great. It was like going back home. Its an even better 3 mile route because its a figure eight path, so there's no out and back. I hate out and back. This run felt so good that I decided most of my 3 mile runs should be done there. It reminded me that my pace is very inconsistent but that I am capable of more than I've been doing.

Tuesday, May 3rd: 2.00 miles in my neighborhood! 27:02 ~ pace = 13:29 min/mi
This run was on a chilly, cloudy and damp afternoon. I did not want to get out and run and after the first mile my legs were cramping. I walked the next 0.25 miles to try to feel better and they started to. I ran most of the last 0.75 and by the time my run was over, I was thought I could keep going. This run also helped me see where my more consistent pace is right now.

How do you keep yourself accountable to your blog?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Excuse (?!) Summary


So, this week just didn't work out as planned...but I will not let that be an ominous foreshadowing for my overall marathon training. Instead, I'm going to remind myself that I picked a 30 week training plan on purposed so I could figure out how to make it fit with my crazy work and life schedule. I'm figuring it out.

I only got one 1.5 mile run in this week...and it was mostly because I didn't feel like it. Tuesday my knee felt funny, so I took an extra rest day...Wednesday I worked late and couldn't get out the door...and well Thursday I told myself I'd do it on Friday... Yea I need to stop making excuses.

This week is a new week...I already have an Road Runner Sports Adventure run set for Thursday, so I might switch my 3 mile run on Wednesday with my 1.5 mile run on Thursday... And I will get out on Tuesday to get the week started off right! Here's to a great week ahead!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Summary...

March 28 - April 3

So this Sunday Summary is the first of what I hope to do weekly to track my training progress. This week really started on Thursday because that was the day I committed to myself again (and MCM 2016!)

Thursday, March 31 ~ 1.59 miles ~ 21:32 ~ Pace 13:31/mi

Since I woke up Thursday morning with the dreadful feeling that I *might* actually get into MCM, I put on my sneakers to see what it would feel like getting back out on the pavement. I had charged my Garmin Wednesday night (it hasn't been charged in probably a year), with the understanding that I had to do something Thursday morning. Well let me tell you, I finished that run. And that's about all I can say about that run -- I finished it. My lungs and legs and feet hurt until about mile 1.1. After that point, as I was rounding the corner back into my complex, I started to feel better. I started to have some confidence that this might be possible. I went in, logged my workout, and then saw I was charged for MCM. I made this commitment and I"m going to do it!

Friday, April 1 ~ Rest day!

I spent the day trying to make progress on my pilot study for my Dissertation. No matter how hard I try, I always feel behind.

Saturday, April 2 ~ 2.00 miles ~ 25:44 ~ Pace 12:51/mi

I didn't want to get out the door on Saturday, but told myself I had to do it. It was raining in the morning so I ran errands and such and just had no energy. Later in the afternoon, the skies cleared up and the sun came out. It was about 50 degrees and a perfect way to end my Saturday. I pushed myself a little further and faster, and felt a lot better about this run. I see progress and that's all I can ask for!

Sunday, April 3 ~ Cross Training Day! ~ 30 minute swim

After many years swimming on our community swim team as a kid, I have a very soft spot for getting in the pool for some laps. I have decided that all of my cross training for this marathon will be in the pool. It is a great all around exercise; I love it! And as an added bonus, I may actually use my gym membership!

Plan for next week!

Monday -- rest
Tuesday -- 1.5 miles
Wednesday -- 3 miles
Thursday -- 1.5 miles
Friday -- rest
Saturday -- 3 miles
Sunday -- cross training

Saturday, April 2, 2016


So I haven't posted on here in a while, well really since I started pursuing my PhD. Something about working full time and part time and working on a doctorate didn't leave much time to post on here. So what's been going on other than those things. Well I'm a bit frustrated because I haven't put my health and fitness at the forefront of my priorities, so I've put on more weight than I care to admit and have fallen out of shape. I dabble with a run every few months and try to get to the pool about 3 times a month, but that doesn't do much when your diet is completely out of what.

With all that out on the table, I decided to sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon lottery with 35 minutes left for it to be open. The next day, I find out that I got chosen. Now I know what some of you might be thinking...what is this woman thinking signing up for a full marathon when she's been on hiatus for the past few years because she's been "too busy".

Well let me explain my spur of the moment thinking on Wednesday -- you see, I'm currently taking my last class for my PhD and am going into the dissertation portion. I am going to need a stress reliever and I'll be able to spend more time on me (yes I know this might be my wildest dreams, but please hear me out). I decided that since I was training for the 2012 MCM and got sick and couldn't run, that if I was going to do a full, it was gong to be MCM and I can't think of a better year to get myself back on track than this one.

For my training, I've decided to follow Hal Higdon's Novice Supreme Marathon training plan as his half marathon plan has never failed me. It gives me a reasonable number of days a week to train and it works with my schedule. So yes, I have a long way to go (30 weeks to be exact!) but I will get there. I want to track my progress through this journey for me, and I'm going to use this blog to get that done! I am by no means an expert, but I need this for me. :)