Saturday, April 2, 2016


So I haven't posted on here in a while, well really since I started pursuing my PhD. Something about working full time and part time and working on a doctorate didn't leave much time to post on here. So what's been going on other than those things. Well I'm a bit frustrated because I haven't put my health and fitness at the forefront of my priorities, so I've put on more weight than I care to admit and have fallen out of shape. I dabble with a run every few months and try to get to the pool about 3 times a month, but that doesn't do much when your diet is completely out of what.

With all that out on the table, I decided to sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon lottery with 35 minutes left for it to be open. The next day, I find out that I got chosen. Now I know what some of you might be thinking...what is this woman thinking signing up for a full marathon when she's been on hiatus for the past few years because she's been "too busy".

Well let me explain my spur of the moment thinking on Wednesday -- you see, I'm currently taking my last class for my PhD and am going into the dissertation portion. I am going to need a stress reliever and I'll be able to spend more time on me (yes I know this might be my wildest dreams, but please hear me out). I decided that since I was training for the 2012 MCM and got sick and couldn't run, that if I was going to do a full, it was gong to be MCM and I can't think of a better year to get myself back on track than this one.

For my training, I've decided to follow Hal Higdon's Novice Supreme Marathon training plan as his half marathon plan has never failed me. It gives me a reasonable number of days a week to train and it works with my schedule. So yes, I have a long way to go (30 weeks to be exact!) but I will get there. I want to track my progress through this journey for me, and I'm going to use this blog to get that done! I am by no means an expert, but I need this for me. :)

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